- #wirelesswednesday @richardawebb @JDSU @disruptivedean @SmallCell_Forum @bellhead @martingeddes #
- Join #REDRUSH with @joinRED & @Klout! 1,000 babies are born w/HIV every day. By 2015 that can be near 0. #KloutForGood http://t.co/PtcYRdVf #
- Explaining complexity in #LTE "Like playing TETRIS on a grand piano" – a nice analogy from @Simon_saunders http://t.co/SXDv5dTk #
- I signed up for undefined #gamification – a free MOOC being led by @kwerb. Join me at https://t.co/wgSakYxQ #
- What will the customer experience look like? 5 trends that will help shape the answer. Nice thoughts from @macala http://t.co/uFSmJyOw #
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