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This category contains 14 posts

Something Old, Something New…

https://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/27obrmyjwc I attended Mobile World Congress 2010 in Barcelona.  I was struck by the blending of old and new together. Typically, when people ask me “What was <some exotic place> like?”, I have to answer that it looked like an airport, taxi ride, hotel room, and an exhibition center.  This was my first trip to Barcelona, […]

Virtual Team Communications

https://www.mdifitness.com/lmfiw4e47 Thanks to everyone that took the time to participate in the Lehigh University graduate survey on Virtual Team Communications.  We wound up getting more than enough responses to give us some good insight on how virtual teams are being used in business today. Today’s working environments are increasingly made up of work groups that are […]


How are you spending your social capital?

My good friend, Ken McArthur is standing in a circus tent today asking 2,000 people to spread a message of hope to teenagers who don’t think that life is worth living. I think it’s a great message of hope for anyone and would love tosee you think about spreading it today. Here’s Ken’s simple message […]


Strategic Alliances Driving Innovation

https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/9a6xy32kc I attended a meeting for the Innovation special interest group of the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals (ASAP) up at Bentley College in Waltham, Massachusetts.  As you might guess, the session focused on ways that alliances and partnerships can improve innovation.  The session had a very nice mix of folks from the pharmaceutical industry, healthcare, […]

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