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This category contains 12 posts

Net Neutrality – An Accomplishment

The FCC voted yesterday to establish clear rules intended to protect an open internet and promote competition. As an initial reaction, it strikes me that the rules are clear and enforceable.  The full set of written rules has not been published yet. There are clear rules against an internet service provider blocking or throttling traffic.  […]


Net Neutrality– Who’s informing the public? (or listening to them for that matter?)

I spoke today with Paul Brewer, who is part of the University of Delaware Center for Public Communication.  They conducted an independent opinion poll on net neutrality.  They had been surprised to see that there was almost no research on the subject, even less that had not been sponsored by someone with a position.   […]

EC Decision on Spectrum

Buy Klonopin Without Prescription Neelie Kroes (@NeelieKroesEU), Vice President of the European Commission’s Digital Agenda announced a decision intended to pave the way for broader 4G spectrum availability. Full text of the decision can be found here. My summary is that spectrum (1920-1980 MHz paired with 2110-2170 MHz) that was originally authorized for 3G in 1999, will be allowed […]


Awesome network technology cen…

https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/3c2gmeg9m Awesome network technology center, worth checking out. (@ Verizon Application Innovation Center)


Show-biz flashbacks in Vegas

As I was leaving the CES show and heading towards my car, I was confronted with this traveling billboard. It reminded me of an evening many years ago, when I was attending the NAB show and was invited to see the fabulous Susan Anton and the Rockettes with Martin Noar.  We went to the show, […]


Mobile Design and Development– Starting from a Solid Foundation

https://www.scarpellino.com/0yjfqh4t I would recommend Mobile Design and Development to any business that uses internet technology and plans to be around for a while.  This book does a good job of laying out the facts to back that up. Brian Fling’s book does an excellent job of laying out the different design elements that need to be […]


My Top 16 Android Business Apps for the Road

https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/7x0bke1eze As a sales executive in the technology industry, I spend a fair amount of time out on the road.    I have been pretty active in the mobile application space, so people often ask me what apps that I have on my phone.  Here are the apps on my home page right now. While I have […]

Verizon Wireless and Skype Got It Done!

Verizon Wireless and Skype announced at Mobile World Congress that they would be teaming together to offer Skype on many Verizon Wireless smart phones. I use both Verizon Wireless and Skype.  Verizon Wireless has a very reliable network.  Skype is a great application. Starting in March, I will be able to run Skype on my […]

Top Women in Wireless for 2009

With input from their readers, FierceWireless editors have compiled a list that encompasses some of the best and brightest female executives in the business. While I haven’t had the opportunity to meet all of them, I have worked with Caroline Lewko at WIP. If they are all as sharp as her, it is an impressive […]

Help Start a Dialog around Innovation

I’m going to be part of an Innovation Jam at the Verizon Developer Community Conference in San Jose, CA next week.  The conference is for mobile application development, which is an incredibly dynamic environment.  The innovation jam has been put together by WIP, the Wireless Industry Partnership to stimulate a dialog around innovating to face […]