I read that Facebook has released a new version of it’s PyTorch artificial intelligence tool. It seems to be a hybrid, combining the creative prototyping Python front end capabilities with an eye towards streamlining the pipeline for production later on. I haven’t had an opportunity to look at it, having mainly been working within Rasa […]
With Mark Zuckerberg testifying in front of Congress today, we can expect lots of rhetoric. We have a privacy problem that is bigger than Facebook. There is real value in the platform that I don’t want to walk away from, yet I also do not want to keep unwittingly feeding data to a company that […]
https://www.plantillaslago.com/ovopx1i72rAWS has dropped the pricing of their S3 and Glacier cloud storage by roughly 25%. They’ve also taken the opportunity to simply and restructure their storage options. S3, the standard cloud storage offer now has three pricing tiers depending upon your volume of usage. Glacier is a cheaper storage for use (roughly a third of […]
Klonopin PriceAutomate the Boring (sales) Stuff with Python This is a great book for anyone that is interested in making the transition from learning Python code to actually creating programs that do useful things. The book includes a basic overview of Python. It provides practical examples, starting with how to read and write data to files, […]
Zolpidem Cheaphttps://www.varesewedding.com/t7f157l The FCC voted yesterday to establish clear rules intended to protect an open internet and promote competition. As an initial reaction, it strikes me that the rules are clear and enforceable. The full set of written rules has not been published yet. There are clear rules against an internet service provider blocking or throttling traffic. […]
https://chemxtree.com/ayy2p09nhttps://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=nc2isv54i I love my country and I love the principles that my country stands for. We believe in individual freedom. We believe in free speech. We believe in limited powers of government. We believe that you are innocent until proven guilty. When I was 16, I spent a summer living in France. This was not long […]
I spoke today with Paul Brewer, who is part of the University of Delaware Center for Public Communication. They conducted an independent opinion poll on net neutrality. They had been surprised to see that there was almost no research on the subject, even less that had not been sponsored by someone with a position. […]
Ambien Online Shoppinghttps://www.onoranzefunebriurbino.com/9axc5104 I was struck today by two seemingly unrelated stories today. The first was an observation that Dropbox had been "incredibly tonedeaf" in adding Condaleeza Rice to their board given the NSA concerns. The second story was about LinkedIn showing you open jobs at your own company. There was some serious public blowback against Dropbox, such […]
Awesome network technology center, worth checking out. (@ Verizon Application Innovation Center)
Cheap Ambien From Canada I’ve known Penn Jillette and Teller for a pretty long time now. We used to spend late nights hanging out in diners in New Jersey at all kinds of late hours. They have always been amazingly creative and early adopters. Tomorrow night will be the premier of their new show “Penn and Teller Tell a […]