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Marketing Networks

This category contains 5 posts

How to Build Social Capital– ”Klout Matters” Review

https://www.plantillaslago.com/elebcg3x08u I ran across Terry Brock through a mutual friend on Facebook of all places.  I noticed that we’ve both worked in the telecom / technology industry and both shared an interest in social technologies.  I had done graduated studies as part of the seminal “Birds of a Feather” group at Lehigh.  I saw that Terry […]


How to tell the Internet that your site exists

I met with a friend that was helping his wife, a pediatrician, create a website. He asked me about the basics of making sure that it showed up in search engine results. I wrote this up as a quick and dirty tutorial on how to let the internet know your website exists. Before you do […]


Interactive Media in the Mid-Atlantic Region

I confess that I like to start up conversations with strangers. This is especially true if you happen to be stuck next to me on airplanes, trains, or what have you.  On my flight out to the CES show, I sat next to two very different kinds of people, and we were stuck on the […]

Strategic Alliances Driving Innovation

I attended a meeting for the Innovation special interest group of the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals (ASAP) up at Bentley College in Waltham, Massachusetts.  As you might guess, the session focused on ways that alliances and partnerships can improve innovation.  The session had a very nice mix of folks from the pharmaceutical industry, healthcare, […]


And if customers are treated right, they’ll come back.

https://www.mdifitness.com/9n6jvi1id If you’re not starting with the customer, you’re doing something wrong