As a sales executive in the technology industry, I spend a fair amount of time out on the road. I have been pretty active in the mobile application space, so people often ask me what apps that I have on my phone. Here are the apps on my home page right now. While I have […] Verizon Wireless and Skype announced at Mobile World Congress that they would be teaming together to offer Skype on many Verizon Wireless smart phones. I use both Verizon Wireless and Skype. Verizon Wireless has a very reliable network. Skype is a great application. Starting in March, I will be able to run Skype on my […] Mobile data service revenues in the U.S. topped $10 billion for the second straight quarter as the wireless data market grew 7 percent in Q2 to $10.6 billion, a 30 percent year-over-year increase. Research firm Chetan Sharma Consulting reports that Verizon Wireless and AT&T experienced the most quarterly growth, topping the 8 percent mark, followed […] I’m going to be part of an Innovation Jam at the Verizon Developer Community Conference in San Jose, CA next week. The conference is for mobile application development, which is an incredibly dynamic environment. The innovation jam has been put together by WIP, the Wireless Industry Partnership to stimulate a dialog around innovating to face […] The Mobile Peer Award winners of the 2009 edition were announced at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, this year’s winners were: Early stage MobileMonday Community Award – – MobileMonday Bangalore Early stage Audience Award – Orbster GmbH – MobileMonday Munich Early stage Jury Award – – MobileMonday Bangalore Emerging MobileMonday Community Award […] The Consumer Electronics Show is an extremely big show and runs the gamut from cables, accessories, and video games, to cutting edge industrial technology. It is really fun, especially if you can just walk around and look at things. This year, I was lucky and got to spend half a day just wandering around. If […] was delighted to see that Kevin Werbach has been picked to co-lead the FCC Review for the Obama transition project. I cannot think of a better person for the job. I met Kevin sometime back in 2001 when he first came to Philadelphia. Kevin had been editing Release 1.0 and had taken a faculty […] Thanks to everyone that took the time to participate in the Lehigh University graduate survey on Virtual Team Communications. We wound up getting more than enough responses to give us some good insight on how virtual teams are being used in business today. Today’s working environments are increasingly made up of work groups that are […] I attended a meeting for the Innovation special interest group of the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals (ASAP) up at Bentley College in Waltham, Massachusetts. As you might guess, the session focused on ways that alliances and partnerships can improve innovation. The session had a very nice mix of folks from the pharmaceutical industry, healthcare, […]’m working on a couple of different projects that use social networking technology to help create value. The idea behind social networking can be as simple as ‘It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. What has changed in the last couple of years is that technology and computing processing power is catching up […]