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Don Holloway

Don Holloway has written 486 posts for Native Communications

@jpnKevin_T I plan to take som…

https://www.plantillaslago.com/ixrzkptlvb @jpnKevin_T I plan to take some time to read some of your writings on customer sentiment in more depth than I can get on a tweet!


@patrickhopper I liked your wh…

https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/jkk6cxa @patrickhopper I liked your white paper on using Twitter and LinkedIn. Great idea to include the twitter lists and links.


@patrickhopper I liked your wh…

@patrickhopper I liked your white paper on using Twitter and LinkedIn. Great idea to include the twitter lists and links.


@jpnKevin_T Agree with your th…

@jpnKevin_T Agree with your thoughts about share price and customer sentiment, although I believe that in the long run customers drive value

Halfway through the year, inte…

Halfway through the year, interesting to look back at the tech trends that JDSU predicted http://t.co/c6fyRnOn

@mgualtieri Just read your blo…

https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/lghyxyuvwf @mgualtieri Just read your blog on security principles for mobile app developers. It is a great overview – http://t.co/J6XRuP3z

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@TridonComm Nice pics of the A…

https://municion.org/zt32yvp @TridonComm Nice pics of the Alberta Indy car – those special events cause some real wireless challenges with so many people #hetnet


@ITGFirstAid Keith, nice train…

https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=d9phqwh63 @ITGFirstAid Keith, nice training materials, I’m forwarding your info to @KarenHolloway5 who’s an expert in online education

@CashieCommerce Have a couple …

@CashieCommerce Have a couple of sites hosted with Bluehost, will give it a try, particularly interested in exploring #mobile commerce

@Alejandro_Avren #HETNET2012 l…

https://www.salernoformazione.com/zrybod31x @Alejandro_Avren #HETNET2012 looks very very good! You may have given me a good excuse to go to the UK in late September.